Monthly Traffic
Find out what hosting providers mean whenever they say ‘monthly traffic quotas’.
The monthly site traffic characteristic is generally known as data transfer or bandwidth as well, however all of the abovementioned terms have to do with the very same thing - what amount of information can be transferred to and from a cloud hosting account. The website traffic can be produced in two ways, the more apparent one being web site visits. When someone opens your web site, their browser requests and downloads the pages from the hosting server then shows them on their end. The more visitors you have, the more outgoing traffic is produced from your hosting account. As this feature includes the overall site traffic, not just your website visits, you should not forget that inward traffic is measured as well. This means that website content as well as other files that you upload to your account using a file manager or an FTP software are measured towards your account allowance. The transfer is usually tracked monthly and the counter resets on the very first day of each and every month irrespective of your actual signup date.
Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting
We've selected the attributes of our
cloud hosting packagesin a way, so as to facilitate the progress of any type of web site hosted on our cutting-edge cloud system. The traffic that your account can produce makes no exception, so with a hosting package from our company, you will not have to worry about the amount of content being transferred to and from your account any time. You will be able to host a number of small and medium-sized sites and ensure that the monthly traffic allowance won't be a setback for their development. In addition, we provide in-depth monthly, daily and hourly statistics that will give you extra details for the traffic that a particular web site generates or what type of page/file is being downloaded the most and generates the most traffic. This kind of information can help you organize the supervision of your sites along with your marketing strategies more efficiently.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All our
semi-dedicated server plans are rather powerful and you can run a couple of web sites in a single account. The monthly traffic feature matches that power, that's why what you'll have is a hosting account with truly unrestricted info transfer. For this reason, your web sites can grow as much as it is possible with this kind of website hosting and you can receive as many website visitors as you wish. For improved website and account administration, you will be able to see the amount of traffic each of your websites generates, yet we won't ever set a limit. For your benefit, you can see monthly, daily and hourly stats along with the individual webpages that are visited most often, and files that are downloaded the most. When you use our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you'll never concern yourself with hitting any kind of traffic limit and you will be able to concentrate on upgrading your sites and having more visitors.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
With a
dedicated server, you will have a very efficient web hosting tool at your disposal and the site traffic allowance you will get matches the rest of the characteristics. The server will be able to generate terabytes of traffic every month, thus irrespective of the type or number of websites that you host, you will never need to worry about them being not reachable as a result of inadequate site traffic. To be on the safe side however, we will give you the opportunity to improve this feature if required. We'll inform you well ahead of time if you get close to the restriction, so that you will have the chance to update or decrease the website traffic by optimizing your content avoiding any interruption of the work of your websites. You can view the consumed and remaining website traffic for the current month via the control panel that we supply. The info there contains all of the incoming and outgoing transfers, like software setups and / or updates. In contrast, a hosting Control Panel can give more detailed information, but only for the traffic to and from a web hosting account, not the server as a whole.